OMS Logistics, a Mobile Oral Surgery Service Platform, Doubles Footprint in Less than 12 Months

“ As dentistry becomes more consolidated, what is becoming clear is that multidoctor full service dental facilities are transforming the delivery of dental specialty services. OMSL offers an attractive “on ramp” for DSO’s to accelerate this trend.”

As Dental Service Organizations (DSO’s) continue to grow, the more insightful CEO’s are beginning to see the value of adding specialty services to their networks. Recruiting a stand-alone surgeon requires the development of a very complex infrastructure to ensure patient safety in a dental office. National patient safety organizations and State Dental Boards continue to develop more regulations that are rapidly approaching those adopted in Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC’s). This creates a real challenge for the DSO’s in that they often do not have the technical or operational expertise to begin surgical services.

OMS Logistics (OMSL) has developed a mobile delivery system to add surgical services and general anesthesia to the dental environment. By incorporating the latest in technical advances in cloud computing and using an anesthesia information management system (AIMS), OMSL is able to offer the same capabilities seen in hospitals and ASC’s. Using the technology, all of these out-patient encounters can be medically screened for appropriateness for general anesthesia before the day of the appointment. Creating a digital handshake before the initial visit is more attractive to patients and prevents multiple visits. Patient’s medical conditions can be screened using artificial intelligence algorithms to preselect appropriate outpatient candidates. Young children and medically complex patients are identified before the day of surgery and triaged to an alternate site of service for their conditions. Healthy patients needing oral surgery can be conveniently seen in the dental office without the need to travel to a specialist’s office for multiple visits. The record automatically captures physiologic data in a secure cloud-based data base thus allowing OMSL the ability to monitor patient safety. Abstracts of these records can then be uploaded to the national anesthesia safety registries thus insuring the same medical oversight as the ASC’s and hospitals.

The additional “value add” of OMSL is that it uses a team of surgeons to service a dental network and can provide multiple credentialed specialists. This allows the dental practice to have predictable surgical days per month and still have coverage when one surgeon is not available. This collaborative model is now a standard operating procedure with hospitalists, ER physicians, and anesthesiologists. DSO’s CEO find this turn key solution very useful and easy to add to their organization to insure patient access and rapid implementation.

OMSL began in Nashville in March of 2018 and has recently doubled in size, currently serving 31 offices, three large DSO’s and multiple states. The anesthesia software support is provided by a customization of the Plexus AT mobile anesthesia record. Plexus Technology Group is a subsidiary of MiraMed Global Services, a leading provider of anesthesia information management services. For more information visit

OMSL is now collaborating with Cornerstone Dental of California a specialty DSO that is the leading provider of endodontic services to large group practices. The ability to approach the C-suite of a DSO and provide both endodontic and surgical services is gaining traction.

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