Author Roberta F. McLin Wilson’s new book “The Kitten in the Manger” is a heartwarming tale of a young homeless kitten who finds shelter in a Christmas nativity scene

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Roberta F. McLin Wilson, a retired schoolteacher, proud mother, and lover of animals, has completed her new book “The Kitten in the Manger”: a delightful and captivating tale of a lonely kitten who finds a new start when she is rescued from the cold winter weather by a kind stranger.

“There is a beautiful nativity scene displayed outside a big greenhouse. A large bright star shines down on the manger where the baby Jesus is lying,” writes Wilson. “The little homeless kitten feels the warmth from the star and climbs up into the manger and curls up beside baby Jesus and goes to sleep. The kitten likes sleeping in the manger under the warm light of the star!

“A kind policeman, while making his nightly rounds, sees the little kitten. When he learns that the kitten is homeless, he wonders what will happen to it after Christmas. He knows that the nativity display will no longer be there. Where will the little kitten go, and what will happen to her?”

Published by Page Publishing, Roberta F. McLin Wilson’s adorable tale exemplifies the virtues one should live by not only during the Christmas season, but year-round by looking after those less fortunate than others, whether humans or animals. Despite her lonely and cold beginnings, the homeless kitten finds a happy ending in the arms of her rescuer and a new family waiting for her with open arms.

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase “The Kitten in the Manger” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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