360NetWorth Announces Beta Test of “360TeleWealth” An advice on demand platform powered by Technology and Personal CFO’s

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The less time employees spend worrying about their own financial situation, the more productive they will be.

David Disraeli, President of 360NetWorth, Inc. in Austin Texas, announced the beta testing of a new financial advice on demand platform.

Just like Tele-health has revolutionized healthcare, Tele-wealth will revolutionize financial services. Prior to services like Teladoc, patients were left to wait on hold for hours to speak to a nurse or be forced to go to an emergency room. With the advent of medical advice on demand, patients may get their issues resolved quickly, without paying for an office visit.

360TeleWealth is an employee benefit designed to provide on demand advice to all employees from the rank and file to the executive team. According to Mr. Disraeli, the solutions currently available are limited or biased. 360Teleweath provides users a “Financial GPS” system to navigate the financial world.

Employee wellness has become top of mind to HR professionals and business owners as benefit plans become more complex and talent pools consider company benefits more seriously than ever before.

“The less time employees spend worrying about their own financial situation, the more productive they will be,” Disraeli says.

He goes on to say, if a company offers a financial coaching or similar service, the odds are the company is tied into their 401k provider. What if the employee needs help with a probate or mortgage question? What if the employee is confused about contributing to a 401k instead of paying off student loans?

Enter the Personal CFO. No software in the world can take the place of a highly trained, compassionate advisor. Like a corporate CFO, a personal CFO is concerned with the overall well being of the person, whether it is a tax, financial or legal problem. Typically, these types of services are provided by three separate professionals and out of reach financially to all but the top 5% of income earners. 360Networth, Inc. has created a financial ecosystem through a best of breed network of financial, tax, legal, real estate, insurance and mortgage professionals.

Companies who wish to participate in this beta test are invited to contact, Betsy Ross, director of business development.

David Disraeli, founder of 360NetWorth, Inc. is a 36-year financial services professional, author, speaker and podcaster. In addition to being a personal CFO, he is treasurer of a Cedar Park based charitable foundation and board member of Grass Roots Children’s foundation that serves needy children in Uganda.

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