Those Who Seek Unity in the Body of Christ will be Interested in its Beginnings

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This book presents a case, based primarily upon the contents of the Apostle’s letters, the Gospel narratives, and previous Scripture, that there is a greater sense of unity to God and His Word than is commonly taught today.

Author Jacob Mckessey shows the continuity of God’s plan and His Word in Way of Truth ($12.49, paperback, 9781662848483; $5.99, e-book, 9781662848490).

If asked when the Christian church began, most would answer that it was founded in the first century by the Apostles and other early followers of Jesus. Mckessey argues that “the Way” was founded long before that and followed by other biblical heroes, such as Abraham and Elijah.

“This book presents a case, based primarily upon the contents of the Apostle’s letters, the Gospel narratives, and previous Scripture, that there is a greater sense of unity to God and His Word than is commonly taught today. When this unity is grasped and applied to the lives of the faithful, there can be a greater sense of unity among God’s people,” said Mckessey.

Jacob Mckessey was raised as a Christian and has pursued his passion for studying and sharing Scripture for over half his life. He earned a B.S. in Business Administration and served for six months as a volunteer for an ecumenical Christian charity.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Way of Truth is available online through,, and

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