Spanish Social Stories for Special Needs Kids from

“It was demonstrated that social stories are effective in positively changing behaviors, teaching social skills, communication and tasks as well as decreasing anxiety in the child.”- James Madison University, a company who’s been creating social stories for over 10 years, is translating their stories into Spanish in an effort to support special needs kids in the Hispanic Community. Owner, Carole Cherry says, “The need among Hispanic families for this kind of support was brought to our attention by a bilingual friend and neighbor with an autistic brother. They have a new baby in the house and she used our story to help him understand the new baby rules. She was impressed and delighted to see that after using “Let’s Talk About the New Baby” with him, she could see him washing his hands before touching the baby and observing the rules in the story.”

As the mother of a non-verbal, autistic child, Carole started writing social stories to help her daughter understand appropriate behavior in new or challenging environments. Today she has over 50 titles that include a wide range of subjects like “Let’s Talk About Frustration,” “Let’s Keep Our Hands to Ourselves,” and “Let’s Get a Blood Test”. As her daughter grows, new titles reflect the needs of older children, such as “Let’s Listen to Others” and “Let’s Do a Good Job at Work”.

“We have a good start with 15 titles now in Spanish,” Ms. Cherry reports. “New stories will be added quickly, as we translate the full catalog of titles, making all of our special needs support web sites, fully bilingual.” In fact, Carole has gathered all the tips and tricks she’s used over the years with her own family into a suite of largely free, informational web sites that address issues like nutrition tips and provide resources for games that teach kids how to read and use the computer to learn online.

All of the social stories from, and now, are very inexpensive ($3-5 each), reusable, and instantly downloadable, even from a phone. It’s like having a pocket professional for the most challenged parents. All stories translated by a native speaker here in Sonoma CA.

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