High Resolution Ultrasound Breast Implant Screening Now Available at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery

Dr. Larry Nichter and Dr. Jed Horowitz, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons

“By offering high-resolution ultrasound, we can offer women with implants an accurate, safe, and affordable option for screening, in the comfort and privacy of our practice.” Dr. Nichter

Women with silicone gel breast implants are advised by the FDA and plastic surgeons to routinely monitor their implants for silent silicone rupture and other potential issues. MRI has historically been the FDA’s suggested screening method for women with silicone implants and recommends having it done every 2 to 3 years. Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Larry Nichter and Dr. Jed Horowitz state that very few women actually follow through with this recommendation. MRI screening can be very expensive, time-consuming, and uncomfortable making it less likely for women to adhere to the suggested guidelines. Mammograms are also not the most accurate method to look for an implant problem.

​Fortunately, an option for breast implant screening is high-resolution ultrasound which also has numerous benefits for women. Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, California is now offering high-resolution ultrasound for all women with breast implants, regardless of who performed their breast implant surgery.

“The well-being of breast implant patients is a matter that is very important to us. The risk for rupture exist​s with all implants​ and increases with time especially for implants after 10 years, we, therefore, encourage women to​ monitor their implants after 5 years as silicone implant rupture is usually silent and the standard of care is to have them replaced if this is the case. We can also detect fluid. We understand MRI screening is not an ideal option for ​many patients so it just made sense for us to offer high-resolution ultrasound” explains Dr. Nichter.

Why high-resolution ultrasound breast implant imaging over MRI?

Dr. Nichter highlights several benefits of high-resolution ultrasound over MRI, including:

Significantly lower cost

Immediate results


Safe, even for those with metal implants or devices

Accurate & reliable

Ultrasound has been used in the medical field for decades and is proven to be one of the safest, most reliable imaging technologies available. Women also feel a sense of ease and comfort knowing they can have their breast implants checked without exposure to radiation or magnetic fields.

At Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery, ultrasound screening is only performed by ​breast surgery experts ​and board-certified plastic surgeons. Patients also appreciate receiving their results immediately with the ability to discuss any findings of concern in greater detail. This is not something imaging centers offer.

Should the ultrasound screening detect an issue such as a silent rupture, the implant or implants may not need to be replaced immediately, but breast implant revision is an option that can be discussed with the doctor in greater detail should the patient take advantage of Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery’s comprehensive screening package which provides a complete consultation with best surgical options suited to the individual case. Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery is currently accepting appointments for high-resolution ultrasound screening for all women with breast implants, regardless of where their implant surgery was initially performed. Dr. Larry Nichter and Dr. Jed Horowitz are some of the most experienced breast revision surgeons including advanced removal techniques (e.g. en bloc capsulectomy), breast lifts and breast augmentation using a woman’s own fat (e.g. California Breast Lift®).

To schedule an appointment or request more information, patients should call 949.720.3888

About Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery:

Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery, located in Newport Beach, California is headed by two of Orange County’s word-class plastic surgeons, Dr. Larry Nichter and Dr. Jed Horowitz. Both doctors have over 27 years of experience specializing in cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, California Breast Lift®, breast reduction, breast revisions. mommy makeover, and tummy tucks. Dr. Nichter and Dr. Horowitz are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and belong to the the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the most exclusive plastic surgery societies in the United States. Dr. Nichter and Dr. Horowitz have received numerous awards over the years for their surgical expertise and patient care.

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