Jessica Harrell appointed as Director of Technologies of Anderson & Vreeland.

Jessica Harrell

Jessica Harrell appointed as Director of Technologies of Anderson & Vreeland.

Jessica has an unwavering passion for helping customers improve their print quality through continuous training and embracing new technologies

The appointment of Jessica Harrell as Director of Technologies for Anderson & Vreeland Inc., leading manufacturer of flexographic print technologies, equipment and consumables, is announced by Darin Lyon, President of Anderson & Vreeland Inc.

With this appointment, Jessica will be moving from her current position as Technologies Manager of Anderson & Vreeland Inc., where her main responsibility has been leading the Technologies Team of specialists who implement and support prepress and print systems for Anderson & Vreeland’s customers throughout the USA and Canada. In Jessica’s new role, she will continue to manage the Technologies Team while working closely with the Sales Management, Corporate Accounts and Digital Business teams to develop unique solutions and ensure a smooth implementation process for the wide variety of technologies we offer to our customers.

“Jessica has an unwavering passion for helping customers improve their print quality through training and embracing new technologies.” said Darin Lyon, President of Anderson & Vreeland Inc.

“She has become a force multiplier throughout the organization and the Flexo industry by focusing on product innovation, process planning, and team collaboration.” added Lyon.

Please join the Anderson & Vreeland Inc. team in congratulating Jessica on this new accomplishment.

About Anderson & Vreeland, Inc.

Anderson & Vreeland provides flexographic printers with innovative solutions that are tailored to their specific application. We do this by identifying the most effective & advanced technologies in our portfolio, educating our customers on how these products will improve their bottom line, and seamlessly integrate these solutions into our clients business. We are a privately-held company with over 50 years experience providing unrivaled customer service to the flexographic printing industry.

Further information is available on the web at

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