Monique A. Frye’s newly released “Thank You, God” is a charming opportunity for young readers to begin to understand how to connect with God

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“Thank You, God”: a thoughtful opportunity to open conversations with young readers. “Thank You, God” is the creation of published author Monique A. Frye, a loving mother of five who grew up in a military family and enjoyed the opportunity of meeting new people as they traveled to various stations. Frye graduated from the University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics.

Frye shares, “I started writing this book when my children were very young. They would get ready for bed, and when I went in to tuck them in, we would pray together about the day, family, and friends. This was just something we would do at the end of the day to spend extra time together, then a kiss and usually an ‘I love you’ and ‘Sleep sweet.’ For me, it always made me feel happy and hopefully send them to sleep with good thoughts. As my kids grew up, I found out not many people knew how to start a prayer or know what to pray about. I am hopeful that this book will help start a prayer and maybe a conversation or at least something to think about. The title seemed fitting since most the book is about being thankful for learning, living, and loving and having a conversation with God. Hey God, Lets talk…”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Monique A. Frye’s new book will delight and encourage both adults and children alike.

Consumers can purchase “Thank You, God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Thank You, God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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