Erith Catlin’s newly released “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” is an enlightening opus on the relevance of God’s biblical commandments in modern times

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“The Voice Said, ‘Write’”: a thought-provoking book that discusses the divine constitution of God’s commandments imparted to mankind in the garden of Eden that is still significant in the modern era. “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” is the creation of published author Erith Catlin, a native of Barbados and a retired life insurance salesman with American General Life and Accident Ins. Co.

Catlin shares, “Six thousand years ago, God pronounced a curse upon this earth because of Adam’s disobedience in Eden.

“The message of this book is a clarion call to twenty-first-century man to obey God’s four commands given in Eden whereby evil will be held in check.

“God got this author’s attention to write this book by one word spoken in his ear. It was back in 2011, he heard one word—write.

“The author did not know what subject God wanted him to write about, but then the impression came to his mind to write about creation and the fall of man.

“God gave man four commands! Number 4 is not really a command. It is really following God’s example of resting and worshiping. If man worshiped God and held His name in sanctity, that would virtually wipe out crime and divorce. True worshipers will honor those two words of commitment that they made at the wedding altar—‘I do.’ See Genesis 1:31. Crime and divorce, gone.

“Number 3 command is reproducing and subduing the earth (Gen. 1:28).

“The number 2 command is not to eat what God forbid (Gen. 2:16–17 and 1:29–30). Daniel adhered to this (Dan. 1:8).

“Command number 1 (work) is in Genesis 2:15–16. Dress the garden and keep it. God gave Adam a world that was ‘very good’ while the twenty-first-century man has a world that is very bad.

“God is saying to twenty-first-century man, ‘If you keep what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. Obey my commands and eat the good of the land.’

“The message of the book? Honor God’s creation. Love Him with all your heart, soul, and body and your neighbor as yourself. When the twenty-first-century man lives this way, evil will be held in check, and world conditions will improve.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Erith Catlin’s new book inspires readers to uphold God’s handiwork and decrees and earn His blessing.

This book beholds reverberating insights that show the benevolence of God for those who seek His grace and follow Him wholeheartedly.

View the synopsis of “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Voice Said, ‘Write’” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Voice Said, ‘Write’,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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