H Robotics US Partners with Onesource Sports and Neuro Rehabilitation

H Robotics Parnters with OneSource Sports and Neuro Rehabilitation - MedTech - Robotic Therapy

H Robotics is honored to have built a relationship with Dr. Adu and have him as a customer, even more so as a valued member of our extended team.

H Robotics, experts in developing, manufacturing, and distributing state-of-the-art rehabilitation solutions, is pleased to announce their new partnership with Dr. Collin Adu of Onesource Sports & Neuro Rehabilitation. This new relationship plays an important role in H Robotic’s expansion in the US market.

An outstanding clinician, Dr. Adu is a leader in the rehabilitation field and an advocate for the continued advancement of the profession. Dr. Adu and his patients saw the benefits of rebless during a trial period and was excited to implement the device as part of his routine treatment model.

H Robotics is honored to have built a relationship with Dr. Adu and have him as a customer, even more so as a valued member of our extended team. We are excited to see our company continue to grow and to establish more relationships like this one in the near future.

rebless™ is an FDA-registered robotic therapy device for both upper and lower extremities, providing motion to the elbow, wrist, ankle, and knee joints. With multiple operating modes, rebless™ allows for passive, active-assisted, and resisted exercise and range of motion measurements.

For more information on our new partnership and our rebless™ robotic device, contact info@hroboticsus.com.

About H Robotics

H Robotics US Inc. is a robotics rehabilitation start-up company with the mission of providing everyone a chance to rehabilitate and improve their quality of life. We aim to contribute to a healthier life for all mankind through innovative technology.

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