AMERGINT satTRAC® Modems Complete Additional Factory Compatibility and On-Orbit Testing for LEO SmallSats

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satTRAC Modems provide the smallsat interoperability needed for ground networks.

AMERGINT’s satTRAC Modems have completed additional factory compatibility and on-orbit testing, proving interoperability with nearly all smallsat flight radios on the market, making the product line a proven choice for ground networks.

The coming proliferation of small satellites in LEO orbits requires interoperability between a single ground modem and a diverse set of flight radios. AMERGINT has successfully performed compatibility testing with smallsat flight radios including Innoflight, Tethers Unlimited, Vulcan Wireless, Syrlinks, L3Harris, Surrey Satellite, Blue Canyon Technologies, Space Mirco, and others.

Dedicated satTRAC Modems are in use on multiple smallsat programs. In addition, AMERGINT has delivered satTRAC Modems to network service providers, including Atlas Space Operations, ViaSat, and Braxton, along with near term plans to offer products for AWS Ground.

The satTRAC product line supports the RF bands, waveforms, and data rates needed by network service providers to ensure proven compatibility with spacecraft that are on orbit and those soon to be launched.

satTRAC is a registered trademark of AMERGINT Technologies, Inc.

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