David Hawkins’s newly released “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” presents a compelling discovery throughout the lessons and parables in the Bible

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“What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus”: an illuminating source of knowledge about Jesus’s identity, His teachings about the Holy Spirit and sin, His faith, the meaning of serving God and His people and being a good example without falling back, the way to heaven, and His parables. “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” is the creation of published author David Hawkins, a professor in both pharmacy and medical schools in Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and California for more than 40 years. His research and scholarly activities led to more than 100 published papers in the pharmacy and medical literature and 200 scientific and professional presentations at national and international meetings. He also taught the Bible for more than 30 years. He was ordained as deacon and served as a lay leader in churches.

Hawkins shares, “The teachings of Jesus include one hundred and one didactic lessons and forty parables that challenge the mind and the heart. Jesus taught with authority, and people listened and learned from him the things they needed to know.

“The didactic lessons teach us who Jesus is, how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit, what the nature of sin is, what the purpose of prayer is, how to serve God and others, how to be a good example, what things we should avoid in life, how to get to heaven, and how to be a disciple of Christ.

“The parables illustrate a spiritual or moral truth. Understanding a parable requires one to study it diligently and seek to learn its spiritual or moral meaning. Parables reveal truth only to those who desire to know what is true and maintain an open mind and eagerness to learn.

“If you can learn all that Jesus taught, you will be richly blessed and well prepared to live the best life and travel down the narrow road that leads to heaven.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David Hawkins’s new book shares a mind-clearing manuscript that expounds, in the simplest way possible, Jesus’s teachings that will inspire readers to meditate on the Scriptures. The book also aims to provide everyone instructions on serving God, being a good disciple, and living the best life under His guidance.

View a synopsis of “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “What You Can Learn From the Teachings of Jesus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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