Having a support network that understands the core issues and complexities plays a significant – yet often overlooked – role in lasting recovery, and Lara Lyn Bell’s strong voice offers guidance and solidarity throughout the journey. – Kirsten Haglund
November 12, 2019
Finding the best care and providing support can be overwhelming for the families and friends of those who suffer from eating disorders, but with increased awareness comes a greater ability to combat them. Families, friends, doctors, therapists and recovered advocates have shared their expertise under the collective pen name, Lara Lyn Bell, to By Their Side: A Resource for Caretakers and Loved Ones Facing an Eating Disorder (Brown Books Publishing Group). Releasing on November 12, 2019, By Their Side empowers caregivers to better understand their loved ones’ suffering and provide support while also maintaining balance and care for themselves.
The forty contributors to this book believe that their first-hand testimonials, technical knowledge and actionable guidance will serve as a lifeline empowering readers as they continue fighting alongside their loved one struggling with an eating disorder. No matter how dark the moment feels, there is hope for full and comprehensive healing. Through partnerships, a portion of the proceeds from this book will be dedicated to those who cannot afford treatment.
“By Their Side is a moving and much-needed book, because it speaks directly to the caregivers, friends, and families of those battling an eating disorder,” Kirsten Haglund, global business development and digital director for Eating Disorder Hope, says. “Having a support network that understands the core issues and complexities plays a significant – yet often overlooked – role in lasting recovery, and Lara Lyn Bell’s strong voice offers guidance and solidarity throughout the journey.”
The companion piece from Lara Lyn Bell, entitled Working by Their Side: A Guided Journal for Caretakers of Loved Ones Facing an Eating Disorder, follows along with each chapter of its main book, creating sections for discovery and learning, helping both the reader and their loved one deal with the complexities of an eating disorder. This hands-on tool is designed to personalize the healing process through prompts, educational components and self-reflection offering a healthy start in recovery.
“In addition to reading By Their Side, working simultaneously in the companion workbook will be one of the caretaker’s greatest assets in their journey,” states Bethany Haley Williams, PhD, LCSW, Founder and CEO of Exile International. “It will put them steps ahead in the therapeutic process as they walk toward health and healing.”
For more information regarding By Their Side and Working by Their Side, please visit http://www.bytheirsidebook.com.
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