Narconon Suncoast Celebrates Six Years of Saving Lives and Bringing Families Back Together

Narconon Suncoast 6th Anniversary Photo

Narconon Suncoast 6th Anniversary Celebration

What I found here at Narconon is people finding purpose in life.

Since its opening six years ago, Narconon Suncoast has diligently worked with families and the community to help those caught in the grip of addiction and raise awareness about the escalating crises of substance abuse and resultant overdose deaths.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses between May 2020 and April 2021.  This is the highest number recorded in any one year. This represents an increase of almost 30% in the number of drug overdose deaths from the 78,000 deaths the year before. 

To support and acknowledge its program graduates, Narconon Suncoast held its sixth anniversary. Family members and community leaders came together to acknowledge this milestone.

Lisa Muttart was given the Narconon Drug Free for Good award for setting a good example and being dedicated to helping others be drug free.  Lisa accepted her award with these words, “I have rebuilt my life inside and out. My kids have their mom back and my mom has her daughter back.”  Lisa was joined at the event by her mom, Michelle Kelley, who gave a heartfelt thanks to Narconon Suncoast for saving her daughter with these words, “When I saw her again, I saw my child and not just my child that I had lost for 10 years but my child from when she was little, with all the hope and the love and everything that she had in her life that she had lost. I got her back and I thank her and everybody here. This place saved us and our whole family.”

The keynote speaker for the event was Mr. Robby Groover, President of The Tampa Bay Veterans Alliance.  Mr. Groover served in the United States Army, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, and received many awards and recognitions including the Purple Heart.

In his keynote address, Mr. Groover addressed the supporters, graduates and family members gathered and shared his own hard-won wisdom, “Life is about what you make of it, and what you put into it amounts to what you get out of it. What I found here at Narconon is people finding purpose in life.  I agree with the holistic approach and I am very encouraged with the testimonies I saw online and the success stories I’ve heard here.”

Narconon Suncoast, licensed by Florida Department of Children and Families as a residential treatment center,is committed to providing its holistic program that includes the cutting edge Narconon New Life Detoxification Program and the needed life skills to be drug free for good.

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