Mighty Oaks Foundation Launches Biggest Veterans Day Awareness Campaign In History

Mighty Oaks Foundation Veterans Day Pledge Campaign - Visit MightyOaksPrograms.org/Pledge For Infomation On How To Participate

Mighty Oaks Foundation Veterans Day Pledge Campaign – Visit MightyOaksPrograms.org/Pledge For Infomation On How To Participate

Mighty Oaks offers peer-to-peer recovery programs across the US to veterans, active-duty military and first responders to help in the battle against the rising suicide epidemic, with one of the most effective programs available today.

Mighty Oaks Foundation is setting out to hold the biggest Veterans Day awareness campaign in history! They’re requesting that you join them in supporting our Nation’s Warriors to help bring awareness to the critical issue of the veteran suicide epidemic. Today, Monday, November 11th, Mighty Oaks is launching its​ #PledgeCampaign. To participate all you have to do is record a quick video reciting The United States Pledge of Allegiance, and post it to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtags #PledgeCampaign and #NeverFightAlone. We want to honor our Veteran community by honoring the flag that so many have given their lives to defend. To see a feed of all of the videos and for more info about the challenge and this wonderful foundation please visit: https://MightyOaksPrograms.org/Pledge

If you can challenge a few friends at the end of your video, it will help to make the maximum possible impact in generating awareness for these critical issues facing the veteran community. Mighty Oaks greatly appreciates your help and support, as do all of the Warriors they serve.

Mighty Oaks offers peer-to-peer recovery programs across the US to veterans, active-duty military and first responders to help in the battle against the rising suicide epidemic, with one of the most effective programs available today. They provide these programs at no cost to the Warriors who have sacrificed so much to protect our country and freedoms.

For those who don’t know the Pledge, here it is:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Here is a sample of what someone making a video could say:

I’m taking the Mighty Oaks Pledge Challenge, let’s show our veterans this year that we care, by honoring them and the flag that so many have given their lives to defend, and help bring awareness to an incredible organization that is fighting the veteran suicide epidemic. How it works is simple, post a video of yourself saying the pledge of allegiance on social media with the hashtags #PledgeCampaign #NeverFightAlone. That’s it, to see a feed of all of the videos and for more info about the challenge and this wonderful foundation visit MightyOaksPrograms.org/

About Mighty Oaks Foundation:

After 18 years in the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than half of the 2 million Veterans struggle with physical and mental health problems stemming from their service. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, every day in America, over twenty veterans commit suicide. The V.A. Hotline receives an average of 400 calls per day. 2018 marked the highest military active-duty suicide rate in 10 years. At the same time, the divorce rate among active military personnel and returning Veterans is staggering, impacting Veterans, as well as their families. Many combat vets are unable to reintegrate back into civilian life leaving their families to work through the aftermath.

To date, we have had over 3,000 graduates of our Legacy Programs. That’s over 3,000 military personnel, veterans, spouses, and first responders that have hope, healing, and renewed purpose. Additionally, we have reached over 130,000 men and women at Resiliency events around the world and handed out over 91,000 copies of our books. Our Resiliency events are focused on providing resources and tools for our Warriors so that they are properly equipped to face the many challenges of combat and life.

We are proud to offer our programs at NO COST to all attendees! That also includes travel to and from one of our four program locations throughout the country.

The Mighty Oaks Foundation is committed to serving the brokenhearted by providing a series of intensive peer-based recovery programs, outpost meetings, and speaking events. Our Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs hosts such Men, Women, and Marriage Advance Programs at multiple locations nationwide. The Warriors who attend are fully sponsored for training, meals, and lodging needs to ensure that upon arrival to the ranch, each Warrior is focused solely on his or her recovery and identifying purpose moving forward. To contribute or for more information please visit: https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org

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