American Mosquito Control Association publishes free training manual to develop the nation’s vector control workforce

“A significant part of AMCA’s mission is to provide leadership and education to mosquito control professionals protecting public health,” said Dr. Mark Breidenbaugh, president of AMCA. “I’m very excited about this manual because it is an ever-evolving document which allows it to continually modernize as our technology progresses; thus, continuing to be relevant and useful to our stakeholders with both established and developing programs across the country.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the update to help AMCA create publicly available resources dedicated to addressing the growing threat posed by vector-borne disease and train the nation’s vector control workforce.

“CDC is committed to reducing illness and death from vector-borne diseases,” said Dr. Roxanne Connelly, Chief Entomologist, CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases. “This includes ensuring local professionals have the tools they need to implement science-based approaches to mosquito control. Public health requires collaboration at many levels, and we’re happy to partner with AMCA to get this important resource out.”

Factors such as insecticide resistance, climate change, and expanding urban environments increase the threat posed by mosquitoes and other vectors, such as ticks, to public health.

“Culex mosquitoes can spread West Nile virus (WNV) and other arboviruses to people that cause death and disease. Currently, we are seeing a spike in WNV positive mosquito pools and human disease cases in several parts of the U.S.,” said David Brown, AMCA Technical Advisor. “The updated manual provides information addressing how to perform surveillance and best manage these mosquitoes while minimizing the impact on the environment.”

A previous update to the manual focused on Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus, two other mosquitoes that can threaten public health. With the new information on managing Culex mosquitoes, the manual provides best management practices for controlling most of the disease-causing mosquitoes in the U.S.

The AMCA is a non-profit organization founded in 1935 to provide leadership, information, and education leading to the enhancement of health and quality of life through the suppression of mosquitoes and other vector-transmitted diseases, and the reduction of annoyance levels caused by mosquitoes and other vectors and pests of public health importance.

Contact: David Brown, AMCA Technical Advisor; info:

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