Alucio™ Releases New Usability Features for its Beacon Scientific Exchange Platform

Alucio’s flagship product, Beacon, is a cloud-based scientific exchange platform that enhances scientific dialogue and engagement between life science companies and healthcare professionals.

“These enhancements were truly designed through a close collaboration with our existing user base and product advisors. We always strive to be as customer centric as possible, ” says Jessica Wong, Alucio VP of Product Management and Strategy.

Alucio™, a fast-growing provider of cloud-based software for the life sciences industry, announced new, user-centric enhancements to its flagship product, Beacon. Beacon is an innovative content management and HCP engagement platform built specifically for MSLs, medical affairs and market access professionals. These new usability features include the following:

  • A new, guided document publishing and distribution module that allows for a simplified, step-by-step interactive experience for in-house administrators.
  • A personalized version-control notification system that keeps MSLs actively updated on any changes to their files and folders both from within Beacon, as well as from email.
  • A prominent and easy-to-understand badge visual design system that informs end users how each document should be used according to its purpose, status, and source.
  • A set of shortcut and group content actions that now enable users to bypass familiar steps and toggle to desired content pieces quickly and without unnecessary clicks.
  • Additional device flexibility enabling users to access the mobile instance of Beacon BOTH on tablets and laptops in an offline mode for in-person engagements, and with full access to their complete document libraries.

“We are excited to release these new Beacon features that further increase the product’s ease of use which has always been a priority for us,” says Jessica Wong, Alucio VP of Product Management and Strategy. “These enhancements were truly designed through a close collaboration with our existing user base and product advisors. We always strive to be as customer centric as possible.”

Users are reacting very positively to the Beacon enhancements. According to data collected on the platform over the past six months, 80% of users are actively accessing and leveraging Beacon on a weekly basis to create folders, search, find, and open documents, and present to HCPs both virtually and in-person. This level of engagement and usage of a platform like Beacon is considered well above average based on industry benchmarks and Alucio Customer Advisory Board feedback.

To learn more about Beacon and schedule a product demonstration, please contact the company at

About Alucio:

Alucio is dedicated to the development of innovative software applications specifically for the life sciences industry. Alucio’s flagship product, Beacon, is a cloud-based scientific exchange platform that enhances scientific dialogue and engagement between life science companies and healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit the company’s website at or contact Lisa Amin at (925) 788-3533.

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