Comagine Health Awarded Contract to Improve Chronic Disease Self-Management

“This work allows us to utilize our community engagement and chronic disease self-management expertise to improve the health of our communities,” Marc Bennett, Comagine Health’s president and chief executive officer, said.

Comagine Health was recently awarded a contract with the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Administration for Community Living. The work will take place over the next three years and will focus on building a partner network to deliver evidence-based chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs throughout Oregon.

Comagine Health has a deep history of collaborating with partners and stakeholders to build robust community programs. Currently, Comagine Health works closely with organizations in Oregon, New Mexico, Utah and Washington to build lifestyle change programs. Comagine Health also serves as the Oregon Self-Management Network convener and Compass data system administrator for Oregon. This new contract will establish the Community Integrated Network of Oregon and focus on increasing capacity and coordination for program referral, enrollment and delivery of evidence-based chronic disease self-management education programs, with a priority focus on the number of CDSME program participants who are older adults and people with disabilities.

Comagine Health will partner with the Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities’ Oregon Wellness Network, Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon Office on Disability and Health at Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon Health Authority and other community partners to implement this work.

“This work allows us to utilize our community engagement and chronic disease self-management expertise to improve the health of our communities,” Marc Bennett, Comagine Health’s president and chief executive officer, said. “We’re proud to help increase access to evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs and reach people who need it most.”

The Oregon Wellness Network will serve as the co-network lead entity with Comagine Health to establish infrastructure to increase sustainability of services through strengthening systems statewide for screening and managing referrals to programs, increasing program availability, access, and engagement and establishing mechanisms to receive reimbursement for these services.

OSU Extension currently serves as the statewide hub for Walk with Ease in Oregon, a program to support people to manage their arthritis pain. They are partnering with Comagine Health and OWN to better coordinate access and further grow the reach of Walk with Ease alongside other evidence-based self-management education programs.

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About Comagine Health

Comagine Health, formerly Qualis Health and HealthInsight, works collaboratively with patients, providers, payers and other stakeholders to reimagine, redesign and implement sustainable improvements in the health care system. As a trusted, neutral party, we work in our communities to address key, complex health and health care delivery problems. In all our engagements and initiatives, we draw upon our expertise in quality improvement, care management, health information technology, analytics and research. We invite our partners and communities to work with us to improve health and redesign the health care delivery system. For more information, please visit

About Oregon Wellness Network

Oregon Wellness Network is a division of Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (O4AD) and serves as a network hub for the 16 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) in Oregon and their community partners. AAAs work on a daily basis with older adults and people with disabilities and are experts in “synchronizing the social determinants of health” (SDOH) with the traditional medical care system. OWN was developed to help the individual AAAs create a value proposition for the social services they provide. These services include but are not limited to home delivered meals, care transition and case management, fall prevention services, diabetes prevention and chronic disease self-management education.

About Oregon State University Extension Walk with Ease

Oregon State University Extension Walk with Ease partners with communities in every county of Oregon to provide information, services and expertise to meet local challenges and help every Oregonian thrive. OSU Extension addresses issues that matter to urban and rural Oregonians, and its partnerships and programs contribute to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for Oregon.

About the Oregon Office on Disability and Health

The Oregon Office on Disability and Health (OODH) provides health promotion programs and content directly to the community and partners to improve quality of life for Oregonian’s with disabilities. OODH advocates for inclusive language, services and health equity. OODH is a public health entity under the Institute on Development and Disability at Oregon Health & Science University.

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