Healthclick introduces new continuing education to enhance the ability of physical and occupational therapists to identify and treat shoulder dysfunction

If a therapist cannot conclusively determine the structural pathology, how can they be be confident in treating shoulder dysfunction? Healthclick’s new shoulder rehab continuing education course presents a strategy for physical and occupational therapists to properly determine shoulder treatments.

Identify Appropriate Shoulder Dysfunction Treatment

shoulder rehab continuing education course

The patient’s shoulder pain location can also be useful in helping determine if it’s coming from a shoulder structure or potentially coming from the cervical spine.

To identify appropriate shoulder dysfunction treatment therapists can employ a different approach for patients. Look at their history, their objectives, and the exam findings, and use these to try and categorize them or classify them according to what initial treatment approach makes the most sense. This approach has been used with low back pain and neck pain with great success, and it has been shown to produce clinical outcomes that are better than they would be if we were to try to chase the pathologic anatomy.

Medical facilities can train their entire rehab team on this shoulder treatment strategy with a private continuing education course just for their clinical team

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