iaedp™ Retracts Press Release Issued on October 31, 2019

iaedp™ Foundation retracts its press release issued on October 31, 2019 regarding Norman Doidge, M.D. as a keynote speaker for the 2020 iaedp™ Symposium. Dr. Doidge will not be a speaker at this particular event.

iaedp™ Foundation retracts its press release issued on October 31, 2019 regarding Norman Doidge, M.D. as a keynote speaker for the 2020 iaedp™ Symposium. Dr. Doidge will not be a speaker at this particular event.

An updated press release with the speakers for the 2020 Symposium will be scheduled soon.

About the iaedp™ Foundation: Since 1985, the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals has provided education and training standards to an international and multidisciplinary group of various healthcare treatment providers and helping professions. For more information on the 2020 iaedp™ Symposium, visit iaedp.com.

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