Delaware’s Premier Abstinence- Based Treatment Program Grand Opening

Essentials Recovery is Delaware’s Premier abstinence-based recovery program and will be holding its grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on November 7, 2019 from 12:00-3:00 pm.

Senator Anthony Delcollo (R) will be in attendance and will assist in the ribbon cutting ceremony. Other charities and organizations will also be in attendance, such as Face the Facts. Education regarding the Vivitrol Injection will also be presented. Essentials Recovery hopes that press coverage will expand education surrounding the topic of substance abuse recovery. There will be opportunities for interviews with those in attendance of the event and interviews with the Owners and Clinical Director can be scheduled prior as well. The event will be held at Essential’s Recovery’s facility at 3700 Lancaster Pike, Suite 305, Wilmington, DE 19805.

Essential’s Recovery is Delaware’s premier abstinence-based recovery program. Essentials is an intensive outpatient and outpatient program. They offer individual therapy, family therapy, psychological evaluations, medication management, MAT/Vivitrol, and community integration support.

Contact: Chris Lyons

Phone number: (856) 340-8703


For more information visit

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