Diane B. Townsend’s newly released book, “Power of Prayer”, is truly an effective tool that will draw one towards a more personal prayer relationship with God.

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“Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will Breaks Your Heart,’” is an inspiring manuscript of testimonies of prayers answered that will undoubtedly motivate its readers to develop a premeditated prayer life. This powerful devotional reveals the key to enduring and surviving the many life-altering storms that overwhelm us. This thought provoking book is the creation of published author Diane B. Townsend, a principal of Tallavana Christian School in Havana, Florida. She holds a master’s degree in Theological Studies and has spent almost four decades working in the area of higher education.

Townsend shares with her readers that “If you feel empty or in one of life’s storms that seem to get more turbulent with each passing day, then a rededication to prayer may be what is missing in your life. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to connect with God. It is one of the first methods of communication we are taught, as a child, to talk with God. Most of us were taught to ask God to “take our soul” if we were to die before we woke. While many of us devote time to prayer, sadly, most of us never experience more than the surface of its power. Many never break through the heavenly realm where God reigns and the impossible happens.

This devotional encourages you to develop an intentional prayer life—-the kind that will cause God to perform mountain-moving miracles, increase your faith in prayer, fill your emptiness, and even help you see where God is taking you while in that storm.It is my prayer that you will be inspired to step out on a newfound faith in prayer, and join the many believers who are experiencing the ultimate joy of the power of prayer even when God’s perfect will breaks our heart.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane B. Townsend’s new book is a motivating work that will encourage anyone to see through the darkness of struggles with the light of faith in prayer.

View a synopsis of the “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your heart’” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your Heart’” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about the “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your Heart’,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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