Wanda Peterkin’s new book “God in Eve” details how women must transform their thinking and give their life to God to receive the full rewards of his kingdom.

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Wanda Peterkin has completed her new book “God in Eve”: a spiritual awakening directed to women to become closer to God.

According to Peterkin, “Visiting, working, or leisure time at any public or private conference can lead to the observation of women from all walks of faith. Each dealing with everyday issues of life. The first trait you will notice is their smile. Next is their characteristics. They are a dynasty of peculiar women connected to one—God.”

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Wanda Peterkin’s inspiring work describes how the ornament was first existing in Eve. Eve left the legacy to all women.

Their attributes are all the same. Those attributes are the fruit of the spirit. Their outside beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Their inner beauty is adorned with the ornament of God’s light. They are blessed. They are more valuable than rubies. They are anointed with the power of God to handle all trials and tribulations that their life journey retained them in. Women are born with this ornament; however, for it to be enhanced, she must transform her thinking and give her life to God to receive the full rewards of his kingdom. Read how these attributes are obtained.

Readers who wish to experience this inspirational work can purchase “God in Eve” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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