It’s a Board’s Game; Anticipating, Avoiding and Abating Risk of Private Company Directors,” a Symposium to be Held in New York on 11/6

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Join Financial Poise in NYC on 11/6 for “Risk: It’s a Board’s Game; Anticipating, Avoiding and Abating Risk of Private Company Directors.”

Private company boards of directors are constantly dealing with risk: anticipating it, avoiding it where possible, and managing the fallout when a crisis inevitably rears its head.

Financial Poise is the producer of “Risk: It’s a Board’s Game; Anticipating, Avoiding and Abating Risk of Private Company Directors,” a half-day symposium to be held at the New York City law offices of Kirkland & Ellis. The Symposium promises opportunities for private directors to network and gain insight into risk from seasoned experts with practical experience.

The first panel, “Anticipating, Avoiding & Abating Risk” addresses common issues faced by private company directors, such as:

  • How can a board help to foster a risk-focused corporate culture?
  • What is the risk oversight function of the board?
  • What are the most common risk-scenarios boards deal with?
  • What steps should a board take when it becomes aware of such a situation?

The second panel goes to the heart of crisis management: “What’s a Board to Do (and Not Do) in an Existential Crisis” and examines these questions:

  • What should a board do in these circumstances?
  • What should it not do?
  • To whom is the board’s duty owed when a crisis threatens the solvency of the corporation?

The Symposium features panelists Jay Heilbrunn of The Distributor Board Inc., Alan Miller of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Weil Gotshal, Chief Judge Cecilia Morris, Sabastian V. Niles of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; Carin Robinson, of PwC, Professor Stephen Lubben of Seton Hall Law School; James H.M. Sprayregen of Kirkland & Ellis, LLP; and Elizabeth Vandesteeg, of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Helsinger.

The Symposium takes place on November 6, 2019 from 4-8 PM at the law offices of Kirkland & Ellis LLP in New York. Symposium co-sponsors include: the Association for Corporate Growth, Financial Executives International – New York City Chapter, New York Institute of Credit, Private Directors Association, The Society for Corporate Governance, The Society for Information Management – New York Chapter, Turnaround Management Association

For a complete schedule of events, please visit

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