QuestionPro Achieves International Standard for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of Customer Information


Because we are a customer-centric organization, securing our customers’ data has always been our top priority

QuestionPro Inc — a leading provider of online survey software, is now certified for implementing internationa l industry standard ISO 27001 – a proven systematic approach to manage information security risks that affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer information. Although QuestionPro already had systems in place to protect customer data, implementing the standard offers an extra layer of assurance to users with any remaining concerns about security risks.

“Because we are a customer-centric organization, securing our customers’ data has always been our top priority,” says Vivek Bhaskaran, Founder and CEO of QuestionPro. “As a technology company, we possess sensitive and important data from customers around the world who are at the behest of their various governments’ enforcement of privacy laws. It is imperative that customers place their valuable data only in trusted hands; our recent ISO 27001 certification shows that QuestionPro customers can trust us to protect their data.”

International Organization for Standardization(ISO) is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems. ISO certifications exist for a wide variety of industries and have been established to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency worldwide. Although ISO establishes the actual standards, an external certification body provides the certifications. For more information on ISO certification, visit

About QuestionPro:

With over 2.5 million users across 40 countries, QuestionPro is a leading provider of online survey software that allows users to generate the insights they need to make better business decisions. Their software includes not only tools for creation, distribution, and analysis of surveys, but also provides a platform for polling, tablet-based mobile research, and data visualization. QuestionPro has provided reliable and innovative technology to Fortune 100 companies, academic institutions, small businesses, and individual DIY researchers for over ten years. To learn more, visit

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