Michael Hodgin II’s newly released “Ehud’s Secret Mission” is a colorful children’s tale about a man of God with a secret mission to save his fellowmen.

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“Ehud’s Secret Mission”: a wonderful opus about Ehud, an appointed man of God, and his clever mission to redeem the Israelites from the clutches of an evil ruler. “Ehud’s Secret Mission” is the creation of published author Michael Hodgin II, a loving family man from Dennis, Mississippi.

Hodgin shares, “Here we have one of the judges from Old Testament times who was sent undercover to accomplish God’s plan. God gives Ehud a secret mission to get His people back in line.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Michael Hodgin II’s new book is dedicated to sharing the magnificent power of God in using ordinary people to do notable deeds in His name.

This book allows children to understand the nature of God as a loving, caring, and responsible deity who sees to it that His beloved people are saved from further harm.

View the synopsis of “Ehud’s Secret Mission” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Ehud’s Secret Mission” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Ehud’s Secret Mission,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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