61.54% of people said their mental health improved working from home.
December 15, 2020
Since the outset of the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year, people all over the world have speculated on how the dramatic shift in working habits would affect the mental health of employees having to work from home. Working from home has become more and more popular in recent decades, thanks largely due to technological advances meaning that remote working is a much more viable option than in recent years.
What we wanted to understand is how people have adapted to working from home as a result of COVID-19 and how it has affected their mental health.
We surveyed 186 employees across the US between the ages of 18 and 60 who worked from home during the pandemic and uncovered the following data highlights. For the full set of data head to our website CK Office Furniture.
How has working from home affected mental health?
61.54% of respondents said that they felt their mental health had improved working from home
38.46% felt that working from home had a negative effect on their mental health
What’s interesting is that even in the midst of uncertainty and economic turmoil, individuals felt that working at home actually made an improvement on their mental health.
How do remote workers rate their mental health?
We asked participants to rank their mental health between 1-10 (10 being the highest) when required to work in the office and when working from home during the pandemic.
For working from the office, the average response was 6. For working from home, the average response was 7, so this improved slightly while working from home.
Work life balance
Having a poor work life balance can have a negative impact on mental health, as we know this can lead to stress and other complications for workers who do not have boundaries between their work and home life.
We asked participants how they felt working from home during the COVID-19 crises has affected their work life balance and 50.27% of respondents felt their work life balance was better! Another 27.57% said it was about the same so less than a quarter of people felt it was worse.
We have also published the full data set along with an infographic that you can download on our website CK Office Furniture. If you want to use our results as part of a news article, blog or other content we just ask that you link back to our blog as the source!
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