Our country is so divided right now, I thought a good way to unite one another, would be to let people nationwide choose first responders or organizations from their own communities to recognize, and send the masks from them with a thank you note.
December 13, 2020
We are giving away 1,080,000 masks to first responders and essential workers, to show our gratitude for their tireless service. From the Police and Firefighters who keep us safe from harm, the Nurse & Doctors who are caring for those who are sick, to the Teachers who have become the emotional first responders to our children.
Putting your health and life on the line to help those in need takes courage and we truly appreciate all of you!! We hope after this is all over, we all continue to give the respect and honor that is due to all of these workers who are not only crucial in our lives right now, but have always been essential to our communities and businesses.
“Our country is so divided right now and I thought a good way to unite one another, would be to let people nationwide choose first responders or organizations from their own communities to recognize, and send the masks from them with a thank you note.” -George Hou, CEO and founder of Ingenuity Beverages, Myco Sativa and Novel Sante.
How to participate: Leave a comment on any of our giveaway posts (links below), Tell us about an essential worker or organization you would like to recognize for their service, and how they have made an impact. We will ship a case of 1,800 masks to them addressed from you with a note thanking them for the impact they have had on their community.
We will randomly select 50 comments a day to receive the donation from December 12th-24th.
***Please note we will only ship to their business address (police/fire station, school, hospital, food bank, office etc). The address will be verified prior to shipping.
Masks Distributed by: Novel Sante, LLC | 5900 Middleview Way, Knoxville, TN 37909 | (865) 223-6686
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