The link between periodontitis and heart problems is especially concerning as heart disease is the most prominent cause of death in the United States.
November 23, 2020
An October 23 article on Alexandria Times notes a collection of studies by leading medical institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Mayo Clinic, and the American Dental Association that further establish that poor oral hygiene is linked to adverse health conditions in other parts of the body. The article encourages readers to practice proper oral hygiene, including visiting a professional regularly. Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center says that the link between periodontitis and heart problems is especially concerning as heart disease is the most prominent cause of death in the United States.
The periodontal center says that periodontitis’ relationship with heart disease isn’t that hard to understand; plaque that surrounds and inflames teeth and gums in the mouth enters the bloodstream where it hits the heart. This can lead to a process in which the plaque hardens in the arteries, hampering blood flow and potentially leading to a host of other problems, including heart attacks.
For readers unaware of what periodontitis is, the center notes that it’s essentially a severe form of gum disease when the gums become infected with bacteria. The center says periodontitis symptoms typically include swollen gums that are prone to discomfort or pain, bleeding (particularly when eating or brushing), a receding gum line, loose teeth, sores, and pus discharge. However, the center also notes that severe symptoms may not appear until sometime after the disease has already developed to an advanced stage.
Periodontitis is unfortunately rather common among adults in the United States, though the disease is both treatable and largely preventable, the center says. Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center says that proper oral hygiene and proper periodontal care obtained early on are enough to keep serious forms of gum disease from forming.
Patients who exhibit signs of gum disease or periodontitis have a great many highly effective options, the periodontal center says. It notes that there are many effective treatments for gum disease and periodontitis, such as scaling and root planning (often referred to as deep cleaning) and laser gum surgery. Procedures like soft tissuing grafting can also be effective in reversing cosmetic damage to a patient’s gums while also recreating the natural barrier for teeth roots.
Readers interested in learning more about Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center can visit its website at or call (310) 275-4606.
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