Transpara® Breast Care launch helps drive the worldwide adoption of AI to assist in the fight against breast cancer

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“We want to make a real difference in the lives of families by reducing the impact of breast cancer and improving survival rates.”

With a shortage of breast radiologists in many countries along with a global increase in the incidence of breast cancer this upsurge in the use of AI for early detection comes at a critical time.

Transpara is the first deep learning AI system to be FDA cleared and CE marked for both 2D and 3D mammograms and it has been clinically proven to identify potential cancers earlier, to improve the accuracy of radiologists, and to help radiologists read more quickly. This decision support software uses a sophisticated algorithm that gives clinicians immediate objective feedback on areas of suspicion identified within a mammogram. This helps to speed up decision making and, more importantly, to increase accuracy of detection.

Nicki Bryan, Vice President of Sales for ScreenPoint Medical in the United States, said she is delighted to see this rapid adoption of Transpara. “We want to make a real difference in the lives of families by reducing the impact of breast cancer and improving survival rates. As more radiologists begin to use Transpara we can begin to recognize that goal.”

“We know that Transpara works with most mammography systems and we’re seeing that the software seamlessly integrates into the current workflow of the doctors using our solution. This gives us the ability to provide access to this technology to patients everywhere.” “Bryan concludes by saying, “We are using the experience and knowledge of thousands of radiologists and the data from a million+ mammograms worldwide to continuously train Transpara. Improvements are ongoing so our customers are always automatically upgraded to the newest version of Transpara. This ensures that new benefits are available without adding extra cost”.

To meet the growing demand for information about AI, Transpara now has its own website dedicated to empowering women to take charge of their breast health via education.:

Nico Karssemeijer, CEO and founder of ScreenPoint Medical states,

“The launch of will help to teach women about how AI can work hand in hand with their radiologist to deliver better care. Research shows that some women still feel apprehensive about trusting AI but the reality is, it should bring peace of mind. By providing clinically proven decision support to radiologists with Transpara, we aren’t replacing the radiologist, we are arming the radiologist with a powerful tool.

We started this company to help improve breast cancer survival and we work tirelessly to ensure that breast cancer can be found faster and earlier. That is what will save women’s lives.” is an educational website that focuses on the importance of early detection, screening mammography and the benefits of Transpara AI. Transpara® is an AI solution for breast cancer screening, that uses deep learning algorithms to automatically detect lesions suspicious for breast cancer in 2D and 3D mammograms. The software categorises mammograms on a 10-point scale indicating the degree of risk that cancer is present. This Exam Score can be used to help radiologists prioritise patients for further investigation. Decision support marks for calcifications and soft tissue lesions are provided to support radiologists with image interpretation. Studies have shown that Transpara matches the performance of radiologists thus acting as a second opinion which increases diagnostic confidence and accuracy. It is FDA cleared for 2D and 3D mammography.

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