You May Be Able to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia, According to New Study

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Simply wearing a hearing aid may help reduce the risk of developing the devastating condition, according to the review, led by Prof Gill Livingston of University College London.

The latest research report from The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care, released on July 30, 2020, shows that modifying 12 risk factors from childhood to late life could delay or prevent 40% of dementia cases. Of these 12, an untreated hearing loss in midlife remains the largest modifiable risk factor.1 The study also cites that, “hearing loss might result in cognitive decline through reduced cognitive stimulation”.2 In times of social distancing, people who isolate themselves should be aware of increased dementia risks. Untreated hearing loss has been known to lead to social isolation.3 Chief Audiologist for HearingLife, Dr. Leslie Soiles, recommends hearing aids to those with hearing loss as a means of maintaining an active lifestyle – and possibly reducing one’s risk for developing dementia.

Fifty million people are living with dementia worldwide.1 Individuals with mild hearing loss have double the dementia risk, those with moderate hearing loss have triple the risk, and those with severe hearing impairment have an increased dementia risk of up to 5 times that of those who do not have a hearing impairment, according to the National Institute of Health.1 A US nationally representative survey of 2,040 people older than 50, tested every two years for 18 years, found immediate and delayed recall deteriorated less after initiation of hearing aid use, adjusting for other risk factors.3 “Hearing aid use was the largest factor protecting from decline adjusting for protective and harmful factors.”3

As communicated in the 2020 Lancet report, there are lifestyle factors that can be adjusted in order to help reduce one’s risk for developing dementia. The 12 modifiable risk factors identified in the report are: hearing impairment, education, hypertension, smoking, obesity, depression, physical inactivity, diabetes, low social contact, excessive alcohol consumption, brain injury and air pollution. With hearing loss being the largest modifiable risk factor in protecting from cognitive decline.3

Receiving regularly scheduled hearing tests is a preventative measure for maintaining a healthy level of hearing. Even for those who are not experiencing hearing loss symptoms, getting an annual hearing test is recommended by hearing care experts as part of leading a healthy lifestyle. 3 HearingLife, has more than 600 locations nationwide and offers complimentary hearing assessments, as well as a risk-free hearing aid trial for new hearing aid users. HearingLife’s mission is to help more people hear better by providing personalized, professional care tailored to their individual needs. Helping people reach their full hearing potential may lead to living a better quality of life, staying more active, and helping to prevent the risks of untreated hearing loss, which include isolation, depression and dementia.

Do you know someone who may have hearing loss? “Hearing loss can be hard to identify when one first begins to notice symptoms,” shares Dr. Soiles. “With hearing loss and dementia being two global health issues that are on the rise, it is increasingly important that those who think they have hearing loss get their hearing checked by a hearing care expert.” Early adoption of hearing aids for those who have hearing loss may lead to an overall higher quality of life and may help protect against the development of dementia.

As a part of their initiative to provide life-changing hearing care, HearingLife presents The Campaign for Better Hearing which informs and educates people about hearing health and the consequences of untreated hearing loss. To date, the campaign has conducted over 450,000 hearing screenings and has raised over $1.7 million which is used to provide hearing aids to those in need through the campaign’s “Give-Back Program.” Every new hearing screening and hearing aid fitting is a chance to help reduce someone’s dementia risk. 3



HearingLife is a Demant company, a world-leading hearing healthcare group, that was founded on care. We have a long history of making life-changing differences through hearing health. HearingLife is one of the largest groups of hearing care centers in the U.S. with more than 600 centers nationwide across 42 states. We follow a proven, results-oriented approach to hearing health where skilled professionals deliver the best hearing care, tailored to the unique needs of each customer.

1 Source

2 Source:

3 G Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerlad, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. July 30, 2020.

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