Saliva Study Breakthrough Discovered By Dr. David T.W. Wong On Sharon Kleyne Talk Radio

Sharon Kleyne, Founder of Bio Logic Aqua® Research

Sharon Kleyne, Founder of Bio Logic Aqua® Research

Air Date: 28th September 2020

Guest: Dr. David T.W. Wong, DMD, DMSC, Felix & Mildred Yip Distinguished Professor, Associate Dean of Research and Director of the Oral/Head and Neck Oncology Research Center at UCLA; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), Fellow of AADR, past member of the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs and past president of American Association of Dental Research (AADR); currently chair of the NCI Liquid Biopsy Consortium and chartered member and co-chair of the NIH CSR Cancer Biomarker Study Section (CBSS).

Dr. David T. W. Wong of UCLA shares a major breakthrough in the testing and rapid identification of pathogens such as COVID-19 on Sharon Kleyne’s, internationally syndicated The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, naturally pH balanced water technology for acid mantle protection, on VoiceAmerica World Talk Radio & Apple iTunes.

Born and raised in Asia, Wong moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, did graduate work Boston and had his residency at Harvard University before moving west to UCLA eighteen years ago. Wong has focused on cancer research and diagnostics from saliva.

Kleyne states that dentists need to do much more to educate their patients about their oral cavity and its connection to their immunity strength and weaknesses.

“The oral cavity is part of the body,” Wong says. “It communicates with the environment. Essential to every function such as mastication, speech and each body function is the production of saliva. There are three major saliva glands that collectively produce 600 millimeters of saliva on a daily basis. Saliva assists in digestion of food, aids capability of speech, and wards off pathogens. People with autoimmune problems don’t produce saliva; people exposed with radiation in the head and neck make less saliva.”

Wong describes how sixteen years ago the National Institute of Health invested in the scientific community and posed a question. It asked researchers to scientifically credential saliva, a non-evasive material produced by our body that could be utilized for early disease detection. “The entire world is seeking early detection in the most non-evasive way. During this pandemic, half of research funding has been for saliva,” says Wong.

Kleyne notes that there has been pushback against saliva research and compares it to her organ of the eye research. “That is similar to what happened with the organ of the eye. There was little research into dry eye and it’s taken years to educate people about the potential immunity weakness of the eye,” says Kleyne.

Wong praises Kleyne’s insightfulness. “The pushback has been significant, and partially rightly so, because the science wasn’t there. But now this pandemic has brought saliva research to the front line.” Wong also cites an important study at Tufts University.

A team of scientists, led by Jill L. Maron, MD. MPH. Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Tufts Medical Center, ( have conducted the SPITSS study. The study reports that by combining gene amplification techniques with advanced computational analysis tools they were able to identify and validate salivary biomarkers to predict oral feeding readiness in preterm infants.  This biomarker panel is the first to address oral feeding readiness in the newborn. “The method being tested, if successful, could have several other benefits besides reducing antibiotic exposure in newborns. Hospitalizations could be shortened, saving tens of millions of dollars.  If successful, this approach may also allow doctors to better differentiate bacterial from viral infections, and more quickly prescribe the proper drugs to treat them.  For premature infants, their saliva profiles may help determine risk for other conditions associated with prematurity and inflammation, including lung and eye disease.”

Wong mentions a University of Michigan project that compared the protein that is in saliva and the protein in blood. The antibody in blood can also be found in saliva. So, we can now measure the antibodies in saliva. We are heading towards tests to be able to test everybody’s immunity through their saliva.

“The long-term goal is that in about three months a drop of saliva could concurrently and simultaneously evaluate if someone is infected with a virus as well as test immunity,” Wong announces.

“That is a major breakthrough,” says Kleyne. “People are so impatient with the testing during this pandemic. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the hygiene of the mouth.”

Wong agrees. “Looking at the oral cavity, per say, follow the advice of your dentists. Diligence and regularity are important. It’s a matter of brushing and flossing. The systemic health and your wellbeing are all factored into your oral health. The organ of the mouth reflects your systemic health. Every day, we produce a full soda can of saliva if we are healthy.”

“People also need to brush the tongue. Pathogens can thrive on the tongue.”

Wong points out that a University of Michigan project has compared the protein that is in saliva and the protein in blood. The antibody in blood can also be found in saliva. We can now measure the antibodies in saliva and we are heading towards a time when we will be able to test everybody’s immunity through their saliva.

“The portal entry of the pathogens to our bodies is the oral cavity and nasal cavity,” says Wong. “IGA antibodies exist in the mouth, offering protection, if you will. It is important to guard the portal entry to assist the mouth’s antibodies in fighting off pathogens such as the virus.”

“So, wearing a mask is good common sense,” says Kleyne.

If you care about immunity protection for the organ of the eyes, listen to these programs.

They feature wisdom, knowledge, new technology and health tips for better living every week on the internationally syndicated The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, naturally pH balanced water technology for acid mantle protection on VoiceAmerica World Talk Radio & Apple iTunes with Program Director Rose Hong of Global Dragon TV with Sharon Kleyne.

LISTEN to the internationally syndicated The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, naturally pH balanced water technology for acid mantel protection, on VoiceAmerica World Talk Radio & Apple iTunes with producer and host Sharon Kleyne and program director Rose Hong of Global Dragon TV. This program features Dr. David T. W. Wong.

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If you would like to watch a brief, entertaining educational film that demonstrates the application of the new Dry Eye Solution® technology Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, sponsor of Sharon Kleyne’s talk radio program, go here:

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