Randy and Terri Johnson with James E. Cossey’s newly released “The Answer is Yes” inspires individuals with insight and strength to serve God in meaningful ways

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“The Answer is Yes”: an enriching read on the essence of serving and acknowledging God’s will in life to allow grace to reinforce one’s meaningful purpose in God. “The Answer is Yes” is the creation of published authors Randy and Terri Johnson with James E. Cossey.

Randy and Terri Johnson with James E. Cossey share, “How does one pick up the pieces of a broken life, put it all back together again, and become what his or her God-given gifts and talents would suggest? During the past twenty years of benevolence ministry, Randy and his wife, Terri, have met innumerable individuals and couples who sincerely want to do something positive with their lives but who have wrongly concluded that because of past mistakes and accumulated bad choices, they are either extremely limited or excluded altogether. Many of these find themselves sitting out the game, sidelined linebackers, quarterbacks, star pitchers, and even potentially great coaches reduced to mere spectators. Their question is, ‘To be or not to be?’ More directly, ‘To serve or not to serve?’”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Randy and Terri Johnson with James E. Cossey’s new book teaches readers the importance of adhering to God’s call, for it brings fulfillment and wisdom to the soul as well as the assurance of blessing and salvation from mundaneness.

This book truly captures the meaning of stewardship in God that ushers in triumph in life.

View the synopsis of “The Answer is Yes” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Answer is Yes” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Answer is Yes,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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