Author Christopher Alan’s new book “Andrew” is an evocative story of survival and self-discovery after a deadly storm and its aftermath in the Florida Keys

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Christopher Alan is a Michigan native who worked on the management teams for some of the Los Angeles-area’s major hotel chains and currently lives in Bonita Springs, Florida. He has published his new book “Andrew”: a poignant exploration of life and meaning that resonates with universal themes central to the human experience.

In 1992, Hurricane Andrew passed over the city of Homestead, Florida, and changed the lives of the residents that lived there. Wayne Stover, a thirtysomething single man, was caught up in in the category 5 hurricane. Thankful for his life being spared, Wayne wants to give back to the community. He also wants the change in the air to bring change to him. His life’s pattern is as a journeyman philosopher, he is unable to focus his desire and talents to achieve anything productive. Wayne finds out that there are many lessons and perils to learn on the rooftops repairing the damage from the hurricane. Wayne has a burning feeling inside him that he was meant for something significant. His privileged upbringing and wide experiences as an American youth growing up in Europe should not be wasted. He is tormented by the thoughts of his father’s wishes for him. Wayne’s father is a great and accomplished man Wayne loves and respects as a mentor. However, he is unable to please his father. It is written in the Bible that Andrew approached Jesus and asked Jesus to teach him. Jesus said, “Come with me, and we will change the world.” That is all that Wayne wants, in some small way to change the world.

Published by Page Publishing, Christopher Alan’s engrossing book is a quietly riveting story of one man’s eventful path toward self-discovery.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Andrew” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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