The Daily Record Names Todd Marks a 2019 Most Admired CEO

todd marks headshot

Todd Marks, Mindgrub CEO

“In the time I have been working with Todd, he has shown uncompromising dedication to leading Mindgrub to be the best agency in the region. His passion for technology and his active role in the Baltimore community are just a few of the reasons he is a leader worth emulating.” – Shalisa Mohamed, COO

Mindgrub CEO Todd Marks is among The Daily Record’s Most Admired CEOs of 2019.

The Daily Record created the Most Admired CEOs award program to recognize talented business CEOs and nonprofit executive directors throughout Maryland for their leadership and vision. The winners were selected based on professional accomplishments, community service and letters of reference submitted by co-workers, board members, and community leaders showing the CEO’s leadership and vision.

Marks founded Mindgrub in 2002, and under his leadership, the company has received numerous awards for business growth, office culture, mobile app development, websites, innovative technology, and marketing initiatives. Outside of Mindgrub, Marks is passionate about using technology to level the digital playing field and achieve greater socioeconomic equality, and he serves on numerous boards to work towards these goals.

“In the time I have been working with Todd, he has shown uncompromising dedication to leading Mindgrub to be the best agency in the region,” said Mindgrub Chief Operating Officer Shalisa Mohamed. “His passion for technology and his active role in the Baltimore community are just a few of the reasons he is a leader worth emulating.”

“This year’s Most Admired CEOs demonstrate that leadership matters to our economy and to the quality of our day-to-day lives,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, publisher of The Daily Record. “Many people are promoted into leadership roles, but only some people have the emotional intelligence, focus, drive and compassion to become an admired leader. We at The Daily Record are pleased to honor this year’s Most Admired CEOs.”

The 2019 Most Admired CEO honorees will be recognized at a celebratory dinner on November 5th. To learn more about the event and see the full list of honorees, visit

About The Daily Record | Celebrating 131 years of journalistic excellence, The Daily Record is a multimedia news source that publishes a print and online edition five days a week and breaks news daily on its website, In addition, The Daily Record publishes more than 30 special products a year including Path to Excellence: A Women’s Guide to Business, Doing Business in Maryland, Be What I Want to Be, and Expanding Opportunities. The Daily Record also honors leading Marylanders through 10 annual awards events including Maryland’s Top 100 Women, Influential Marylanders, and Most Admired CEOs. Its Digital Marketing Solutions helps customers with social media, search engine marketing and optimization, retargeting, email marketing and more. The Daily Record is part of BridgeTower Media, one of the country’s leading business-to-business media companies with 44 print and digital publications in more than 20 U.S. markets.

About Mindgrub | Mindgrub, a member of the Inc. 5000 for seven years running, is a technical agency and creative consultancy specializing in award-winning mobile applications, websites, and marketing initiatives. Headquartered in Baltimore, Mindgrub has offices in New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. Connect with Mindgrub online at

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