Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” is an interesting perspective tracing one man’s battle with cancer

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“A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery”: is a profound guide that educates readers on how cancer treatment really is and the challenges that come with it in an entertaining approach. In light of the current coronavirus epidemic, it’s “guy themes” of discipline, strength, and attitude are indispensable in helping anyone through our current health crisis.

“A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” is the creation of published author Edmund A Rossman III, who retired while still recovering from cancer treatments after over twenty years working in public libraries. He has also been a business manager of radio stations in two major markets and he has taught courses for Kent State University in Journalism and Library Science. Currently, he does eCourses and webinars nationally on fundraising.

Rossman III shares, “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer” is based on the CaringBridge journal entries Ed wrote during his battle with cancer. CaringBridge is a social media platform for people with illness to easily keep all those interested in their treatments and locations as informed as possible in an efficient way. His upbeat approach in these entries were to encourage his friends, family and colleagues to look at life through a guy’s eyes, not a being a victim, and with faith in the Lord that he would pull through. Writing as if he was discussing things on a bar stool, not a hospital room. Whether it’s using a dartboard in discussing chemotherapy injections, tanks and missiles in describing radiation treatments, sports analogies related to nutrition or rocking guitars to keep things high energy and fun, Ed presents the challenges of throat cancer in everyman language that’ll be helpful for patients and caregivers alike. His medical treatment spanned the Lenten season, and his journal entries and discussions contain many daily mass readings that provided him and his ‘crew’ with a spiritual scaffolding of support. The biblical messages of faith, perseverance and gratitude are tonic to anyone, not just guys, in going through this life-changing disease.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Edmund A Rossman III’s new book is a helpful tool for patients, as well as their caregivers. Using a conversational tone in a simple language, the author gives the readers a guide that helps them see how it really is in trying to overcome this disease.

View a synopsis of “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Guy’s Guide to Throat Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts for Recovery,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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