ChaseData Donates Call Center Software to Florida Health Departments

“ChaseData’s system has proven effective, stable and efficient and has been in operation for over 20 years,” says Ahmed Macklai

“As this emergency progresses, we want to help Florida counties manage the messaging and distribution of critical information using ChaseData’s automated voice and telephone technologies,” says Ahmed Macklai, founder and CEO of ChaseData Corp. “ChaseData’s system has proven effective, stable and efficient and has been in operation for over 20 years.”

ChaseData is donating high-efficiency automated contact functions like voicemail drops and SMS, as well as incoming and outgoing helpline telephone numbers for public health departments for each Florida county and the State Health Department Headquarters. This donation is open to all of Florida’s 67 counties and is being used to boost the distribution of accurate information during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to research, people ages 60 and older — the age group most at risk of infection — are best reached by telephone, so ChaseData’s systems will help Florida health departments reach those residents through automated voice and phone technologies. Florida counties plan on using automated and personalized voicemail messages, as well as caller ID and existing data in the health departments’ databases, to deliver geographically relevant information in real-time.

County health department call centers can be decentralized and operated remotely, meaning agents and managers can safely work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak. Users can access ChaseData’s secure agent and admin applications, allowing call center agents and managers to manage telephone calls from home.

About ChaseData Corp

CEO Ahmed Macklai founded ChaseData Corp back in 1996 in Plantation, Florida as a way to offer cloud-based call center technology to companies struggling with their current call center setup or inefficient software. ChaseData provides innovative solutions to businesses, including the very first web-based business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) platform in the world. This platform helps businesses improve their customer satisfaction by making calls more quickly and efficiently, make better business decisions with industry-specific data and solutions, increase the productivity and efficiency of call center associates by tracking what agents are doing with their phone time and decrease overall operations costs. Today, ChaseData has a cloud network with more than 5,000 daily users and leads the market in affordable technology solutions that are accessible to all companies, not just enterprise.

Learn more by visit ChaseData’s website here:

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