Ella Louise Barber’s newly released “Growing Christian Bible Study Guide” profoundly tackles Christian virtues that guide believers in their journey of faith

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“Growing Christian Bible Study Guide”: a comprehensive guide that teaches about Christianity, its sacraments, and its philosophy as written and intended by the Lord through His Holy Word. “Growing Christian Bible Study Guide” is the creation of published author Ella Louise Barber.

Barber shares, “‘Growing Christian: Bible Study Guide’ is filled with knowledge of specific areas for Christian growth regarding sin, forgiveness (which many of us need to learn), our tongue (mouth), the world, prayer, and our mindset.

“Christian marriage is more than finding a rich man or gorgeous woman, even marrying for loneliness or saying she’s pregnant. There are biblical principles for marriage and sex. After accepting Jesus and being baptized, you are to grow in your Christianity, and there are stages.

“Learn about DEATH. This rarely discussed and seldom preached about subject for believers and unbelievers alike and a Christian’s life after death. You will be amazed what you will discover about death, perhaps answering some of your questions: Where will my soul live in eternity? Where are my loved ones? Will I ever see them again? Is there really life after death? Does everyone go to heaven? How will I get to heaven? All of these questions and more are answered in ‘Growing Christian: Bible Study Guide.’

“Learn about some whimsical colloquialisms and their origin! Christians and divorce, and are we permitted to marry a spouse we divorced?

“Christians, let us grow in knowledge and understanding of the Word of God.

“Perhaps you may have heard of ‘Ripley’s Believe It or Not.’ Now it is ‘Ella Louise Barber’s Believe It or Not’ when I tell you that sex, working, work ethics, bankruptcy, and much more are in the Bible!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ella Louise Barber’s new book seeks to strengthen the believers’ wisdom and understanding of their conviction and purpose in Christ to assure the attainment of grace and eternal life.

This book is an exemplary Bible study guide that relates to the heart and mind on ideas commonly talked about as enlightenment-seeking Christians.

View the synopsis of “Growing Christian Bible Study Guide” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Growing Christian Bible Study Guide” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Growing Christian Bible Study Guide,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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