Mental Health Practitioners Move Online During Pandemic



“As a result of the pandemic, we’ve seen a large influx of interest from therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and others in the mental health field. They need an online scheduling system, and they need it fast. Their patients depend on them.”

More and more therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists are taking their businesses online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a combination of virtual meeting tools and online appointment scheduling software, they’ve been able to continue operating their practices.

Whether or not officially designated as such, mental health practitioners are absolutely essential during times of uncertainty. And there has been no time in recent history with as much uncertainty as there is today. In just the four weeks since President Trump declared a national emergency, 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment aid. Many millions more will lose their jobs in the coming weeks. Indeed, many experts are predicting the unemployment rate to surpass 20%.

Losing one’s primary income source – and the low likelihood of finding another job during the pandemic – is incredibly stressful. When you add in mandated social isolation measures and the fear of contracting the illness, you get a recipe for stress, anxiety, and depression.

Mental health professionals are quite aware of the impact COVID-19 is having on us. They understand the critical role they play in helping people get through this difficult time. But they also realize that having patients come to their offices carries risks. And even if they did offer in-person visits, few patients would likely agree to them.

So, thousands of these practitioners have gone online. They are using free or low-cost virtual meetings tools such as Zoom or Google hangouts. And they are having their patients book appointments themselves through HIPAA-compliant scheduling software.

One mental health professional who uses AppointmentPlus noted, “Using a virtual meeting system is critical for my practice. Reading facial expressions and body language is an important part of me understanding my patients. And having them book online using AppointmentPlus has been a huge time-saver for me.”

AppointmentPlus’ unique design meets the needs of mental health practitioners. From HIPAA-compliance to one-on-one training and setup assistance to Google Calendar integration, the system works well for both individual providers and group practices.

Bob La Loggia, CEO of AppointmentPlus, said, “We’ve always served the mental health community. But, as a result of the pandemic, we’ve seen a large influx of interest from therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and others in the field. They need an online scheduling system, and they need it fast. Their patients depend on them. We’re thankful that we have the technology and the workforce to get their accounts up and running in a very short amount of time.”

AppointmentPlus is an online appointment scheduling software firm based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Nearly a billion appointments have been booked through the platform since inception. The company serves over 10,000 accounts worldwide. To learn more about AppointmentPlus, click here.

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