Author Carl Kent’s new book “Facing the Problems of Humanity” is a Scripture-based discussion of challenging elements of modern human life in the Christian context

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Carl Kent has published his latest book “Facing the Problems of Humanity”: a faith-based work asserting the value and comfort of a biblically inspired life.

The author writes, “When we look at Society and the things that are happening around us, we see family problems and drugs on the increase, but there is hope when we allow God to be in control of our lives.

“I believe this book will help the ones that are struggling with habits that they can’t keep or control; reading it will help them understand who God is and that he loves them.

“I want society to know that there is hope with the problems that we are facing, and that we need each other because we cannot make it in this world by ourselves, we need strength and help from God.”

Published by Page Publishing, Carl Kent’s inspirational book is a collection of essays offering hope in the strength provided by an abiding faith in God.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Facing the Problems of Humanity” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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