iaedp™ Foundation Announces First All-Accessible Virtual Symposium

“The iaedp™ Symposium remains one of the best ways for health care professionals to earn CEs in our field of eating disorders treatment,” said Bonnie Harken, Managing Director at iaedp™.

The iaedp™ Foundation is announcing the 2020 Virtual Symposium, a safe, convenient and accessible way to experience the educational and networking benefits of the group’s annual conference. The 2020 Virtual Symposium will run from May 15 to July 31, 2020.

Attendees who registered for the 2020 iaedp™ Symposium originally slated for March 26-29 in Orlando automatically will be enrolled in the upcoming virtual Symposium and do not need to register for the 2020 Virtual Symposium. If an individual was not registered for the original 2020 iaedp™ Symposium (in Orlando) and would like to register for the 2020 Virtual Symposium, details can be found at iaedp.com.

Unlike the original 2020 iaedp™ Symposium, the 2020 Virtual Symposium offers all those who participate a robust and dynamic opportunity to view all sessions and workshops as well as the experience of the interactive Exhibit Hall. There is no daily schedule since all sessions are available and accessible online. For a full listing of all available sessions, in English and Spanish, and speakers, including keynote speakers, visit iaedp.com.

From body image and exercise therapies to innovative research and family issues, most all of the sessions scheduled for the original 2020 iaedp™ Symposium will be fully accessible to all participants of the iaedp™ 2020 Virtual Symposium.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the offering of the first virtual Symposium from iaedp™,” said Bonnie Harken, Managing Director of the iaedp™ Foundation. “It is a truly safe and fully accessible


“The iaedp™ Symposium remains one of the best ways for health care professionals to earn CEs in our field of eating disorders treatment,” said Harken.

For more information about the 2020 iaedp™ Virtual Symposium schedule and registration, and to register online, visit iaedp.com.

About the iaedp™ Foundation: Since 1985, the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals has provided education and training standards to an international and multidisciplinary group of various healthcare treatment providers and helping professions. MemberSHARE.iaedp.com is an iaedp™ business journal and online member resource to learn about noteworthy member achievements, continuing education webinars and U.S. and international chapter activity and events; for more information, visit MemberSHARE.

The Presidents Council provides iaedp™ support and includes: Center for Change; Center for Hope of the Sierras; Center for Discovery; Eating Recovery Center; Willow Place; Laureate Eating Disorders Program; The Meadows Ranch; Rogers Behavioral Health; Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders; Selah House; The Renfrew Center; Timberline Knolls; Veritas Collaborative; Alsana Eating Disorder Treatment & Recovery Centers; Silver Hill Hospital, Walden Behavioral Care and KIPU.

The 2020 iaedp™ Symposium is proud to announce Bronze Sponsors: Eating Disorder Recovery Specialists, Simple Practice and Transcend ED.

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