COVID-19, FIFRA, and EPA — A Conversation with Lisa Campbell

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Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is pleased to release a timely episode of the All Things Chemical™ podcast, “COVID-19, FIFRA, and EPA — A Conversation with Lisa Campbell.” In this episode, Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner, B&C, and Lisa M. Campbell, one of the nation’s foremost legal experts on the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), a Partner at B&C, sat down to discuss U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval of products under FIFRA to combat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, EPA has been deluged with applications to approve new products and/or new uses of existing products to combat the virus. Lisa explains in this podcast how antimicrobial pesticide products play an important role in public health and safety, the kinds of antimicrobial product categories regulated by EPA (including sanitizers, sterilants, disinfectants, and others), how approved products are deployed to combat the novel pathogen that causes COVID-19, and what EPA is doing to fast-track the approval process to get products out there to protect public health. And as important as the federal EPA is in this regard, Lisa also explains the important role of state agencies in the pesticide product approval area. Lynn and Lisa round out their discussion on EPA’s efforts, along with other federal law enforcement offices, to stop the proliferation of virus scams, most notably the sale and distribution of antimicrobial products falsely claiming to be effective against the spread of the coronavirus.

The full podcast episode is available to stream online. Additional updates on regulatory efforts to approve products to combat COVID-19, along with commentary, can be found on B&C’s Pesticide Law and Policy Blog® and on the Regulatory Developments page of our website.

All Things Chemical™ engages listeners in intelligent, insightful conversation about everything related to industrial, pesticidal, and specialty chemicals and the law and business issues surrounding chemicals. B&C’s talented team of lawyers, scientists, and consultants will keep listeners abreast of the changing world of both domestic and international chemical regulation and provide analysis of the many intriguing and complicated issues surrounding this space. All Things Chemical™ is available now on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play Music. Subscribe so you never miss an episode.

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