New ‘Lite’ AP Automation Solution to Help AP Teams Receive and Process Invoices While Working from Home

Nexus, a leader in procure-to-pay software for the real estate industry, has launched a ‘lite’ version of its AP automation solution to enable AP teams to quickly shift from manual invoice processing to electronic. The solution can be launched within 10 hours.

With NexusFastStart, AP teams can capture, process, approve, and submit invoices for payment – all with clicks and keystrokes instead of paper. The solution also pushes and pulls information directly from a real estate company’s MRI or Yardi GL via API, providing full visibility into how invoices compare to budgets and actuals.

“We understand a lot of AP teams are still going into the office to process their invoices and keep the business running”, said Jenn Taylor, Nexus Chief Customer Officer. “Our NexusFastStart solution bypasses months of complex software implementation to help AP teams start working remotely immediately.”

NexusFastStart comes with NexusPayables for real estate customers and NexusConnect for their suppliers. It works like this:

  • Suppliers can opt to upload their invoice to the online supplier portal, NexusConnect. The invoice is sent – in near real-time – to their customers’ account in NexusPayables. Delivery is guaranteed. Suppliers can use the NexusConnect portal to see whether their invoice is approved, paid, rejected, or on hold.
  • Customers approve/reject the invoice in their NexusPayables software – all with a few clicks. They can then route the invoice electronically for approval, using FastStart’s proven workflows. Once approved, they are automatically sent to the customers’ GL for payment processing.

“By using NexusConnect with NexusPayables together, AP teams can keep the lights on at all their properties, without ever stepping foot in the office. And with FastStart, they can start doing it this week,” Taylor said.

FastStart is available to real estate companies that have either a Yardi or MRI general ledger. Once up and running, FastStart customers can add NexusPayments, wherein Nexus will pay their suppliers electronically. FastStart customers may also opt to continue to receive invoices via email or mail, and have Nexus upload this information to their accounts for them.

At any time, FastStart customers can also upgrade to the full Nexus procure-to-pay platform, and select features like catalog procurement, electronic purchase orders, and job costing, as well as customized integration with general ledgers.    

NexusFastStart is $6,000 for the first year. Some restrictions do apply. For more information about FastStart, visit

About Nexus

With Nexus Procure-to-Pay software, real estate companies can manage every aspect of the accounts payable process – from purchase through payments – with just a few clicks. The web-based platform automates manual AP tasks and provides complete visibility into suppliers, budgets, and spend. No more paper, wasted time, nor guesswork. Nexus makes it easy to maintain and expand the supplier relationships at the heart of the real estate business. Visit

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