Travel Experts Join in the Battle Against Covid-19 to Support First Responders

“Get your flight refunded”

Covid Airline Refunds has announced a new program aimed at supporting the brave First Responders and all victims who have had travel plans disrupted due to the Covid-19 Virus. Created by a group of travel industry experts with over 30 years in the industry, Covid Airline Refunds established a program that will help passengers get refunds for their air travel, even if those tickets were “nonrefundable”. For first responders facing this issue, all fees will be waived as a nod of appreciation for all their hard work and dedication in what is truly a battle of a lifetime.

Because airlines are governed by the Department of Transportation, when flights are cancelled by DOT mandate, all passengers are entitled to a refund; not simply a travel voucher. Getting the actual refund can be a very time and labor intensive process, often with no results. The combined experience of the team and their connections to the industry simplify and streamline the process and have been delivering excellent results.

“This was borne from the experience of a staff member’s cousin engaged on the front lines as a health care worker. She had spent several hours on the phone trying to receive a refund for cancelled flights, while she was needed back at the hospital. In this critically important time, our team has the experience in navigating and negotiating the difficult red tape to get the consumers who are being penalized through no fault of their own, exactly what they deserve. We are especially proud to be able to offer this service at no cost for all First Responders. It is the least we can do to help play a part in this difficult fight and also recognize the true heroes out there.” said Mo Sayid, CEO of Covid Airline Refunds.

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