Award-Winning Author, Larry Fowler, Giving Away His Bestselling Book, Dare to Live Greatly, Comparing Navy SEAL Training to Christian Living While Fighting Covid-19

In today’s increasingly secular world, it’s becoming tougher to live a Christian life. In fact, in Dare to Live Greatly, L.C. (Larry) Fowler, a graduate of Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) Class 89, argues that to follow Christ today requires Navy SEAL-like toughness. No matter how dire the circumstances, a SEAL will never give up—nor should any Christian.

With the coronavirus sweeping the world this Easter Sunday, here are a few tips from the lens of Christian warrior:

(1)    You’re not in control so why worry? It’s a waste of time to worry about what you cannot control. Worry will not add one minute to your life and makes it impossible for you to be a light for others or fulfill your God-given purpose. Bottom line, don’t be a burden on others, or worse—a faith coward.

(2)    Listen wisely. Live wisely. God gave you science so do your due diligence. Practice safe distancing, wash your hands, and stay away from groups.

(3)    Be active and be Jesus. Find opportunities to serve a retired neighbor, someone who is ill and needs groceries. If avoiding physical contact, make calls to let others know you care. If we do not take action to love others, we’re nothing more than a “clanging cymbal.”

What a great time to think about our God-given purpose on Easter Sunday—how we can best serve and love others. With 90% of our thoughts about self, can you imagine how much less anxiety we’d have in America if we could reframe our self-focus to become others-focused?

Our BUD/S class 89 motto was “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.” Our class plaque with these inscribed words remains in the BUD/S compound in Coronado, CA, today. The advice couldn’t be timelier during COVID-19. Don’t become burdened with fear, anxieties, or worry but keep moving forward. Believe. Trust. And always thrive forward like a Navy SEAL fighting to survive training.

You can download Dare to Live Greatly free through Easter. This not just another SEAL book.

No other book juxtaposes Christian living to something as demanding as Hell Week, the Tijuana mud flats, or Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training in Coronado, California.

Last week the secular Nonfiction Authors Association awarded Dare to Live Greatly its highest award commenting, “(this book) wouldn’t normally be my choice of book, but it draws you in to see links between being a SEAL and a Christian. This is a powerful story that will resonate with many readers, whatever their religious beliefs.”

A Medal of Honor Gold Star family member who lost his brother in the Vietnam War sent this note to Fowler, “I am enclosing my brother Mike’s challenge coin to thank you for not only serving our country but for opening up to tell the world about your Christianity… You are truly a ‘breath of fresh air’ in our crazy society of today.”

Raised in Rossville, Georgia, Fowler gave up college to follow his dream of attending Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training and become a famed member of the Navy Special Warfare community. The only problem was he didn’t know how to swim.

According to S. Rawding, SEAL, BUD/S Class 89 classmate, “I witnessed this man who would rather drown trying than give up his dream of becoming a SEAL. Larry became a shining example of never giving up on your dream.”

Fowler was selected by his peers at Navy basic training as their “Honor Man,” and was an invited guest at the White House. More importantly, he has trained with Christian personnel across the globe, including Pakistan, Indonesia, China, and other countries at all organizational levels.

Fowler now resides in Destin, Florida. He is a Lymphoma cancer survivor and he has learned to live each day to the max.

Download Dare to Live Greatly now through April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday).

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