Common Sense Measures and Staying Well Informed are the Best Ways to Fight COVID-19, says West Medical

The Los Angeles area medical group says that COVID-19 is a serious matter but for most people can be addressed with common-sense measures.

The best approach is to keep calm, stay well-informed, and practice sensible measures to limit the spread of the virus.

A March 18 article on Newsweek reports on the spread of COVID-19 and its escalating effects. National infection numbers are at 6,500 in all 50 states, according to the article, which differs somewhat from the current CDC estimate of over 7,000. On a more hopeful note, the Chinese government says that the virus, which was first detected in China’s Wuhan province, has been contained. Los Angeles-based West Medical says that COVID-19 is very serious but the direct threat to most individuals remains low. The best approach is to keep calm, stay well-informed, and practice sensible measures to limit the spread of the virus.

West Medical notes that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing severe illness in less than 17 percent of cases, with the vast majority ending in recovery, not fatality. It is true, however, that elderly and infirm people need to be especially careful. In California, people over 65 have been ordered to shelter in place for the time being, says the medical group. One silver lining is that cases in children are extremely rare, as are deaths in healthy people under 30, notes West Medical. As a matter of public health, however, large events in California have been canceled, restaurants are being limited to take-out only, and an increasing number of individuals are working remotely for a time. This may be disruptive, notes West Medical, but should help limit the spread of the illness and should not be a cause for serious distress in most cases.

On a personal level, the clinic says that frequent hand washing with warm water and soap is probably the single best thing that one can do to limit the spread of COVID-19. (Hand sanitizer is somewhat less effective, though helpful in situations where washing isn’t practical.) Though it’s easier said than done for most people, avoiding touching one’s face is also important. Other common-sense preventive steps include cleaning and sanitizing frequently used surfaces such as kitchen countertops or door handles, avoiding sick people whenever possible, and – perhaps most of all – staying home and away from others if an individual feels even slightly ill.

West Medical emphasizes that not succumbing to panic and staying well informed by using legitimate sources of information, such as the CDC website, are also helpful in limiting not only the spread of the disease but false information designed to foment panic. In fact, says West Medical, one very real health impact of the pandemic is the increased stress many are experiencing which can make them more vulnerable to all sorts of illnesses. That’s why it’s important that people make time to relax and enjoy their lives, even if they may be staying home, says West Medical, which recommends outdoor walks in uncrowded environments as one good measure against stress.

For more information on West Medical or COVID-19, call (855) 690-0565 or visit

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