Author Dr. Robert W. Bosworth, Jr.’s new book “Living Your ‘Happily Ever After’” is a self-help guide with practical steps to enhance and even save Christian marriages

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Dr. Robert W. Bosworth, Jr., SSC, is a retired Episcopal priest and licensed clinical pastoral counselor currently serving on a volunteer basis as a counselor in private practice at St. John’s Anglican Church in Texas, where he lives with Bettie, his wife of over thirty years. He has published his latest book “Living Your ‘Happily Ever After’”: an illuminating, biblically inspired compendium of insight gleaned over a three-decade-long career listening to the problems, misunderstandings, and aspirations of married Christian couples.

The Rev’d Dr. Robert W. Bosworth, Jr., retired Episcopal Priest and Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, has over thirty years of parish, school and counseling experience. He is a member of the Nat’l Christian Counselors’ Association and the Catholic Psychotherapist Association. Check out the contents to see how this book can help readers live happily ever after!

Published by Page Publishing, Dr. Robert W. Bosworth, Jr.’s engrossing book is an invaluable resource for Christian couples seeking insight, advice, and scriptural reference in their marriage.

“We stopped at Dr. Bob’s office on the way to our divorce attorney…. and thank God we did. Last year we renewed our vows and are starting on the next 25 years!”

Gary and Dayle, Fort Worth

“My so-called life as I knew it had completely crumbled from underneath me in an instant. I was broken. I was dead inside. I was lost. I was scared. My brother took me to Dr. B. I couldn’t even drive! I didn’t want to go. I thought it would be a waste of time. That was until I had my first session, then my second, then my third. The pain and the turmoil that I was feeling was suddenly being churned and kneaded to the point where it was slowly subsiding. He gave me hope when there was none. He gave me confidence when it had dissipated. In my 36 years on this earth, I’ve never met a more wise and brilliant and caring human being. My family and I could not be where we are today if it were not because of him.”

J.W., Kentucky

“Bob gave me this book as I started visiting with him last spring. If I’d had it when I was engaged, I would have never needed it five years into our marriage! My favorite part of the book was how practical it is. He told us you don’t have to be a genius to turn your relationships around. We’re not, but we did!”

Bill, Ohio

“I thought we’d tried everything to save our family, but there’s stuff in here we never thought of that worked better and faster than we thought possible. Our marriage and family life have never been better. Even our kids have noticed that we actually love each other and enjoy family nights again!”

Jose and Maria, Dallas

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Living Your ‘Happily Ever After’” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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