Diane Garrison’s newly released “God’s Truthful Truths” is a contemporary account that allows people to know more about the truths of God

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“God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity”: a stirring narrative that enlightens the minds of the readers for them to be able to discover the truth about God. “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” is the creation of published author Diane Garrison, a woman who has a vast love for and strong faith in God.

Garrison writes, “Victoria Brown is the co-author of God’s Truthful Truths, dictated to her from the Mouth of Almighty God. Victoria was neglected, abused and tortured at the hands of her parents and stepmother from birth until early childhood. God became her parents and protected her throughout her life to become His Commanded Messenger to record His Words of Truth. She endured the pain of rejection, criticism, and isolation required to do God’s work with steadfast love and devotion.

“Diane Garrison, messenger and assistant co-author, is Victoria Brown’s daughter. She preserved and protected these Words of Truth for 30 years until God spoke to her and told her to present these words of Truth to the whole of humanity, to be weighed with the justice scale of higher consciousness, of each individual’s mind. These Words of Truth are being published for the love, honor, and glory of Almighty God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane Garrison’s new book is a revealing masterpiece showing to readers the reality of how God’s truthful truths will save humanity at the end of the day.

With this purpose, Garrison aims the readers to know and understand the importance of glorifying God with love and honor.

View a synopsis of “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God’s Truthful Truths: Dictation from God to the hand of VICTORIA BROWN for ALL of humanity,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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