Kathryn Skipward Stockdale’s newly released “A Love Affair” is a well-founded book of insightful moments exuding with love and faith.

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“A Love Affair”: a touching narrative that shows moments of grace and love among loved ones and from the divine. “A Love Affair” is the creation of published author Kathryn Skipward Stockdale, a teaching minister in Sunday, vacation Bible school, prison ministry, Thursday ladies Bible class, and Life Enriched Services class.

Stockdale shares, “I couldn’t decide on a book title, and one morning I had a dream. I saw a cross on a book cover and the words ‘love affair.’ When I was finally awake, I knew God had answered my dilemma. My son Bruce had sent me an e-mail with a picture that impressed me. It was a huge cross he had placed in front of his property on Hugh Howell Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia, for Valentine’s Day. I was so impressed by that picture. Jesus going to the cross for us is what true love is about! When I woke up that morning, I knew without a doubt God had inspired Bruce to erect that cross and me to use it for my book cover.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kathryn Skipward Stockdale’s new book shows an astounding journey in life inspired by the love and goodness of God that bless the hearts of those who put their trust in him.

This book contains occasions of mundane and spiritual love that define the grandness and quaintness of life for everyone’s partaking.

View the synopsis of “A Love Affair” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “A Love Affair” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “A Love Affair,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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