Pulse Light Clinic gives insight on how facial hair is a hormonal area to treat and can be the most common place for stimulated hair growth

Facial hair is a hormonal area to treat and can be the most common place for stimulated hair growth.

It is extremely rare for individuals receiving laser hair removal treatments to develop more hair, rather than less. Most hair stimulation cases if found are usually located on the facial area of the body as this can be a very hormonal area to treat. Research has shown that up to 90% of clients will experience little or up to no hair growth at all with the months to follow after treatments. However, in some cases you can experience an adverse effect where more hair grows. This is known as “Paradoxical Hypertrichosis” (Hair Stimulation) a condition that is not completely understood but allows the hair to grow back faster and thicker than usual. Although there is no scientific explanation as to why this may happen in laser hair removal clients, there are a few factors that may contribute.

These factors may be things hypothesised such as the strength of the laser light (low energy) and how much energy is being transferred through the skin to penetrate the bulb/root of hair. When looking into the theory of photo thermolysis the hair follicle and surrounding cells are usually destroyed at the temperature of 65 degrees, in theory anything below 65 degrees could possibly contribute to more growth. Often during treatments, it is possible that the hair is only heated to around 45 degrees usually when the client may be feeling strong discomfort and finding the area being treated rather painful. However at this temperature it is likely for the hair to stimulate as there is not enough energy to destroy the bulb, usually the practitioner is able to hear a great reaction by listening for the “snap” and the client can anticipate a great reaction by feeling the “snap”.

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